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Thursday, February 09, 2012

White Lion Development

In the Leader there is an announcement that the White Lion development has gone ahead. Quote from Cllr Chris Bithell. ( Mold county cllr)

"The affordable housing is 6% as opposed to the county guide lines of 30%"

Glyn Jones Head of Planning says it averages out for the village when joined together with the Wood Lane development.


  1. As ever with FCC. It all looks good on paper, the reality is something else. There is an election coming up an every Cllr. will be getting his/her name in the Leader in the next couple of months. They will all claim to have the interest of the people of Flintshire (potential voters) at heart.
    They will be out knocking doors, kissing babies, putting up more dog poo bins, and we might even get the rubbish cleared up from our streets. Most of it as ever with FCC is just hot air, inflated ego's at work.
    We will watch with suspicion at how The White Lion Development pans out.

  2. Yes an awful lost of councillors in The Chronicle last week


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